Edmond - Birmingham Headshot BTS

Client Edmond gives me a ring. *VRRT VRRT* my phone vibrates as I rush across the studio to answer. I quickly understand Edmond is needing a professional headshot to accompany his medical career. He is sure to be a prominent physician and a professional image is his gateway to interviews, residencies, and fulfilling his path of service.

Side fact:  Users who have a professional headshot get 14 times more PROFILE views than those without, according to LinkedIn

We talk about his options, grey vs white backgrounds, how blue is the best color in the world, and even how hydration will rocket launch Edmond's head from excellent to EXCELENTE. A few days later after working out our schedule, I see a well-hydrated Edmond in studio for his mini session. And below are a few bts bits of our time together. 

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For professional headshots like Edmond, contact me today!